Acupuncture for Stress, Anxiety & Depression
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by emotion?
Maybe its anxiety or depression. Difficult emotions are something that all people experience, but they don’t have to be a problem.
The mind and body are intertwined. Chinese Medicine and acupuncture are based upon the understanding of the importance of mind and body health. Acupuncture provides stress relief through nourishment, removing obstacles, and increasing circulation. When this happens, our biochemistry changes.
Stress, anxiety, and depression become a problem when the emotional reactions interfere with your daily functioning and sleep. It is important to know that there are complementary therapies like acupuncture and herbal medicine that can support you through difficult times without side effects.
Acupuncture helps by triggering the body to produce the chemicals that make us feel relaxed and happy. It is by using this holistic approach that acupuncture can really make a difference by integrating herbal medicine, exercise, and diet.
Acupuncture can help provide the relaxation needed to get a foothold in life and find relief.
There is nothing wrong with prescription medications. They can change people’s lives. It is also important to remember that there are many effective tools available to manage stress, anxiety and depression.
Traditional East Asian Medicine sees the person as an individual and provides a treatment that is best for each person.
“I have felt SO CALM since leaving your office. Thanks again for bringing peace to my life.”– Lori, Portland, Oregon
John Rybak Portland Acupuncturist The WellBridge Clinic (503) 544-9611 Find us on Facebook