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Try This 10-Day Challenge to Increase Your Energy Levels


Ten days to increase your energy
“Let thy medicine be thy food, and thy food thy medicine.”  – Hippocrates 400 BC

Chinese medicine and acupuncture recognize that our diet is the foundation of our health.

Regardless of culture, the importance of diet upon health is the oldest wisdom. Acupuncture sees the first tier of healthcare is diet, the second tier of healthcare herbal medicine, lastly, the third tier of healthcare can be found in prescription medicines. Each tier represents an escalation in intervention. The goal of holistic medicine, like acupuncture, is to clear the obstacles to health so that a healthy diet and occasional acupuncture treatments can enhance our health and energy. That way we can be clear headed, vibrant, and relaxed.

One of the ways we do that is through well guided and balanced Detox Protocols.

With a detoxification diet, we can make a considerable change in our health.

Seven things that you can change in your health from a Detox:

  • Weight gain
  • Chronic pain
  • Allergies
  • Mood problems
  • Low Energy
  • Poor digestion
  • Skin problems
For better or worse, our digestive system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, and our immune systems are all affected by diet.  Our diet can help our body operate more efficiently and eliminate toxins properly.  We all know that we are exposed to toxins in our food, water and environment every day.  It is also important to detox gently so that we do not create harm.

Five things that we need to detox from:

  • Pesticides
  • Petrochemicals
  • GMO products
  • Environmental Allergens
  • Our individual food triggers, sensitivities, and habits
There are so many types of detox diets, fasts, and fads out there.  It’s important to follow the guidance of your healthcare provider at The WellBridge Clinic.  Keep in mind that many detox diets neglect to account for the metabolic cycles of the liver.

As a result, these detox diets do get the body to release toxins.

The problem is that the diet doesn’t account for the full metabolic process of the liver that is required to eliminate those toxins.  When that happens, people’s bodies release the toxins and put them into circulation.  The second metabolic cycle of the liver is required to eliminate those toxins.  Most detox diets don’t help the liver complete that second stage.  So the body then reabsorbs the toxins and put them back into storage in the body. That’s a lot of effort for little or no benefit.

Spring is a perfect time for a 10-day Detox protocol.

Chinese medicine and acupuncture closely follow the rhythms of nature. Spring represents an expansion after the quiet of winter time. From this perspective, the seasonal rhythm is used to maximize our efforts. Our 10 Day Detox Protocol has been created to help you create a healthier life, with greater ease. We will provide you with the guidelines and recipes to energize your life with a healthy detox. Don’t forget that true ‘detoxing’ is a daily process, so be sure to implement these principals throughout the year. If you encounter a deal breaker that makes you think, “I can’t do this.” …Say its coffee, let me suggest continuing with the detox.  Simply reduce your coffee intake.  Don’t let perfection become an obstacle to progress and health.  Do your best and discuss your optimal strategy with your healthcare provider.  You will be pleasantly surprised by making the first steps toward health. Are you ready to begin your 10-Day Detox Protocol? Make an appointment today at The WellBridge Clinic. John Rybak Portland Acupuncturist The WellBridge Clinic (503) 544-9611 Find us on Facebook
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